Monday, September 24, 2007

Lotro Creatures:Half-orcs

From Turbine:

There are few tales more frightening in all of Eriador than those of the Orcs and Goblins that strike from the shadows against the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. Many believe these are simply tales of fancy, spun by storytellers to keep children safely within their homes at night for fear of being gobbled up in the darkness.

Those who have travelled to distant lands do not dismiss such tales, however, for Orcs and their cruel deeds are not the stuff of children's tales; they are all too real, and recent news from places north and east tell of vast armies of these horrifying creatures preparing once again for an assault on the good people of the land.

The Silver Deep

Even more disturbing, however, are rumours of the Half-orcs: creatures with the blood of both Man and Orc, capable of walking nearly unnoticed among the Free Peoples, looking like a Man of the South, with features that only hint at their monstrous blood. In addition, these half-breeds can travel in full sunlight with no ill effects. It is said that these Half-orcs are within the borders of Eriador even now, living amongst the folk of Bree-land and even wandering in the peaceful Shire.

The origin of the Half-orc is not clear. Some surmise that they are the result of experimentation by Saruman the White, though none can say why a Wizard of the great order that includes Gandalf the Grey and Radagast the Brown would turn to such vile pursuits. Others believe Half-orcs have an ancient origin, and have been living throughout Middle-earth since days long past.

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